Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Disneyland Tomorrow!

I'm so excited to leave for Disneyland tomorrow!!!  (Ok, more like in 8 hours...)

However, before I go, I've still got last minute preparations to do- I haven't even started packing!  It's been a whirlwind of a week, but that's just made the countdown go that much faster!  Thankfully, all of my projects are pretty much ready to go!

If you see me at Disneyland, please come say hi!  I'd love to meet some other Disney fans!  Even if you aren't visiting Mickey at Disneyland this weekend, you can still virtually follow along from the comfort of your own home.

If you aren't already, follow me on Facebook for pictures, posts and updates.  I'm also on Instagram as @MyDisneyLifeBlog if you want to follow the photo fun there!  In the past, I've been more active on Instagram during our Disney trips.  I like to post a lot of photos "live" from the parks.  Don't have an Instagram account?  If you follow this link, you should be able to see all of my photos online.

Photo Source
I haven't ever used my Periscope or my Snapchat accounts, but I'm thinking about attempting to use Facebook's new "live" feature.  The videos don't go away and I think more of my followers would have access to it!  So if you are following me on Facebook, you might be in for a treat!  You should get an alert when I'm live.  If you can't tune in live, you should be able to watch the videos at your own convenience if you go to my page.  I like this idea so more people can see my videos!

In the meantime, I should go get the rest of my stuff together.  My flight leaves at 7:00 am so it's going to be an early morning!  Stay tuned for lots of Disneyland, Pearls in the Park, Dapper Day and general Disney photo and video spam over the next few days... 

See ya real soon friends!  °o°

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